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Independence Day of the Federative Republic of Brazil

Brazil, officially Federative Republic of Brazil, Portuguese República Federativa do Brasil, country of South America that occupies half the continent’s landmass. It is the fifth largest country in the world, exceeded in size only by Russia, Canada, China, and the United States, though its area is greater than that of the 48 conterminous U.S. states. Brazil faces the Atlantic Ocean along 4,600 miles (7,400 km) of coastline and shares more than 9,750 miles (15,700 km) of inland borders with every South American country except Chile and Ecuador—specifically, Uruguay to the south; Argentina, Paraguay, and Bolivia to the southwest; Peru to the west; Colombia to the northwest; and Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana to the north. Brazil stretches roughly 2,700 miles (4,350 km) from north to south and from east to west to form a vast irregular triangle that encompasses a wide range of tropical and subtropical landscapes, including wetlands, savannas, plateaus, and low mountains. Brazil contains most of the Amazon River basin, which has the world’s largest river system and the world’s most-extensive virgin rainforest. The country contains no desert, high-mountain, or arctic environments. Brazil is the fifth most-populous country on Earth and accounts for one-third of Latin America’s population. Most of the inhabitants of Brazil are concentrated along the eastern seaboard, although its capital, Brasília, is located far inland and increasing numbers of migrants are moving to the interior. Rio de Janeiro, in the eyes of many of the world, continues to be the preeminent icon of Brazil. The nation’s burgeoning cities, huge hydroelectric and industrial complexes, mines, and fertile farmlands make it one of the world’s major economies. However, Brazil struggles with extreme social inequalities, environmental degradation, intermittent financial crises, and a sometimes deadlocked political system. Brazil is unique in the Americas because, following independence from Portugal, it did not fragment into separate countries as did British and Spanish possessions in the region; rather, it retained its identity through the intervening centuries and a variety of forms of government. Because of that hegemony, the Portuguese language is universal except among Brazil’s native Indians, especially those in the more-remote reaches of the Amazon basin. At the turn of the 21st century, Brazilians marked the 500th anniversary of Portuguese contact with a mixture of public celebration and deprecation. The land The Brazilian landscape is immense and complex, with interspersed rivers, wetlands, mountains, and plateaus adjoining other major features and traversing the boundaries of states and regions. Geographic regions The Brazilian government has grouped the country’s states into five large geographic and statistical units called the Major Regions (Grandes Regiões): North (Norte), Northeast (Nordeste), Central-West (Centro-Oeste), Southeast (Sudeste), and South (Sul). The tropical North—comprising the states of Acre, Rondônia, Amazonas, Pará, Tocantins, Roraima, and Amapá—covers more than two-fifths of Brazilian territory and includes the largest portion of Amazon rainforest and parts of the Guiana and Brazilian highlands; however, the region accounts for a limited proportion of the nation’s population and economic output. The Northeast, which experiences some of the nation’s driest and hottest conditions, has nearly one-fifth of Brazil’s land area and more than one-fourth of the population. It contains the states of Maranhão, Piauí, Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba, Alagoas, Sergipe, Bahia, and Pernambuco, the latter including the island of Fernando de Noronha, some 225 miles (360 km) off the Atlantic coast. The region’s oldest cities date from the 16th century, when the Portuguese first established sugarcane plantations there. The Northeast accounts for one-fifth of the nation’s agricultural production, but the industrial and service sectors lag far behind those of the Southeast and South, and the unemployment rate remains high. The Southeast covers only one-tenth of Brazil’s territory but has two-fifths of its population and the greatest concentration of industrial and agricultural production in the nation. The region includes São Paulo state, which is the nation’s economic and demographic heartland, landlocked Minas Gerais, whose very name (meaning “Extensive Mines”) testifies to great mineral wealth, and the populous coastal states of Espírito Santo and Rio de Janeiro. The city of Rio de Janeiro, the national capital from 1763 to 1960, remains Brazil’s main cultural and tourist centre. The South, which stretches below the Tropic of Capricorn, includes the states of Paraná, Santa Catarina, and Rio Grande do Sul. It occupies an area nearly as large as the isle of Britain but is the smallest of Brazil’s regions. Its diversified economy includes strong manufacturing, agriculture, and service sectors. The South has about one-seventh of the nation’s population, including many people of European ancestry, particularly from Germany and Italy. The South’s tourist trade partly depends on the spectacular Iguaçu Falls, at the Argentine border. The Central-West consists of the states of Goiás, Mato Grosso, and Mato Grosso do Sul, as well as the Federal District, in which Brasília is located. The region covers roughly one-fourth of Brazil, including forested valleys, semiarid highlands, and vast wetlands. A small proportion of the nation’s population lives there, but an increasing number of settlers have been moving into the region and extending its agricultural frontiers. Relief Brazil is a predominantly tropical country famous for its extensive Amazon lowlands; however, highlands cover most of the national territory. Brazil’s physical features can be grouped into five main physiographic divisions: the Guiana Highlands in the North, the Amazon lowlands, the Pantanal in the Central-West, the Brazilian Highlands (including the extensive coastal ranges), and the coastal lowlands. Guiana Highlands Brazil shares the rugged Guiana Highlands with Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana. Forested mesas and mountain ranges, scenic waterfalls, and white-water rivers characterize the area. The highest point in Brazil is Neblina Peak, which reaches 9,888 feet (3,014 metres) along the Venezuelan border in the Serra do Imeri. The Serra da Pacaraima, farther east, rises to 9,094 feet (2,772 metres) at Mount Roraima, where the borders of Venezuela, Guyana, and Brazil meet. The less rugged Acaraí and Tumuc-Humac (Tumucumaque) ranges border on the Guianas. Amazon lowlands The Amazon lowlands are widest along the eastern base of the Andes. They narrow toward the east until, downstream of Manaus, only a narrow ribbon of annually flooded plains (várzeas) separates the Guiana Highlands to the north from the Brazilian Highlands to the south. The várzeas fan out again as the watercourse approaches the Atlantic, but no delta extends into the ocean. The basin’s most widespread topographical features are gently undulating hills called terra firme (“solid ground”), composed of layers of alluvial soil that were deposited as much as 2.5 million years ago and subsequently uplifted to positions above flood level. Shallow oxbow lakes and wetlands are found throughout the region. Pantanal The immense Pantanal, an extension of the Gran Chaco plain, is a region of swamps and marshes in northwestern Mato Grosso do Sul and southern Mato Grosso states and, to a lesser extent, in northern Paraguay and eastern Bolivia; it is one of the largest freshwater wetlands in the world, covering some 54,000 square miles (140,000 square km). The Pantanal is dissected by the effluents of the upper Paraguay River, which overflows its banks during the rainy season, inundating all but the tops of scattered levees and low hills. (See also Drainage.) More … Score: https://www.britannica.com/place/Brazil  

Introducing Brazil

Start exploring Brazil with Lonely Planet’s video guide to getting around, when to go and the top things to do while you're there.

"Festival Bom Dia Brasil", tradicional evento cultural da capital polonesa.

Com o apoio da Embaixada do Brasil em Varsóvia e do Instituto Guimarães Rosa (IGR) do Ministério das Relações Exteriores do Brasil, será realizada em Varsóvia a vigésima edição do "Festival Bom Dia Brasil", tradicional evento cultural da capital polonesa, organizado pela Fundação Macunaíma.

A Lagoa das Araras.

No município de Nobres, estado de Mato Grosso, encontra-se uma lagoa de extraordinária beleza, onde vivem alguns dos mais belos e variados pássaros da fauna brasileira: a Lagoa das Araras. Cercada por coqueiros buritis, que muitas vezes são alcançados por suas águas, a Lagoa das Araras é um viveiro de maritacas, garças, papagaios e araras. Quando os coqueiros buritis morrem, eles perdem a copa e seu caule fica oco, tornando-se um local ideal para a construção de ninhos pelas aves.

Festival de Cinema de Língua Portuguesa

Temos o prazer de convidá-los para o II Festival de Cinema de Língua Portuguesa MARÉ, que acontecerá nos dias de 26 e 27 de maio, em Varsóvia (no Kino Muranów) e nos dias 26 a 28 de maio, em Wrocław (no Kino Nowe Horizonty).Para mais informações, acesse às programações:

Os Centros de Tradições Gaúchas

Os Centros de Tradições Gaúchas (CTGs) são entidades tradicionalistas que cultivam a cultura, os costumes e o folclore do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Contam-se cerca de 3.000 CTGs espalhados por todo o Brasil e pelo exterior, em torno dos quais os gaúchos e outros brasileiros apreciam as danças, o churrasco e outras manifestações da cultura do Rio Grande do Sul. O primeiro CTG foi fundado em Porto Alegre em 1948.

Inauguração da Arena Pelé em Czekanów

Em 18/03/2023, em Czekanów, no distrito de Tarnowskie Góry, o chefe do setor Cultural da Embaixada do Brasil em Varsóvia, Rodrigo de Oliveira Castro, participou da inauguração de campo de futebol do clube e escola de futebol UKS Brasil, que recebeu o nome de “Arena Pelé”, em homenagem ao rei do futebol.

Os Cinco Pontões

Localizada na área central do estado do Espírito Santo, na região montanhosa próxima à divisa com Minas Gerais, a 150 kms de Vitória, o Monumento Natural da Pedra dos Cinco Pontões é um destino de ecoturismo de grande beleza e originalidade. Trata-se de um conjunto de rochas graníticas que se projetam por centenas de metros em forma de pontas.

A Cidade de Goiás Velho

A cidade histórica de Goiás Velho, antiga capital do estado de Goiás, mantém preservado significativo conjunto de arquitetura barroca, o que lhe garantiu a inscrição na lista do Patrimônio da Humanidade da UNESCO em 2001. A cidade foi fundada pelo bandeirante paulista Bartolomeu Bueno da Silva, o “Anhanguera”, que se encontrava na região em busca de ouro, no ano de 1729. Com a criação da Capitania de Goiás, a então chamada Villa Boa de Goyaz tornou-se sua capital.

A Ponte Rio-Niterói

Inaugurada em 1974, a Ponte Rio-Niterói atravessa a Baía da Guanabara e une a cidade do Rio de Janeiro a Niterói, antiga capital do estado do Rio de Janeiro. A ideia de construir uma ponte sobre a Guanabara remonta a 1875, quando já se buscava reduzir o percurso de 120 kms que separa as duas cidades. A obra, que levou 6 anos para ser completada, teve início em 1968, em ato que contou com a presença da rainha Elizabeth II do Reino Unido.

Brazylijskie naczelne

Brazylia jest krajem o największej liczbie znanych naczelnych, posiadającym około 139 różnych zarejestrowanych gatunków i podgatunków, z czego 83 gatunki są rodzime dla kraju. Małpy brazylijskie są stosunkowo niewielkie i ich waga na ogół nie przekracza 10 kg. Największymi brazylijskimi naczelnymi są muriki, które zamieszkują lasy stanów w południowo-wschodniej Brazylii. Około 35 brazylijskich gatunków naczelnych jest zagrożonych wyginięciem, z których większość żyje w zachowanych jeszcze częściach Lasu Atlantyckiego, m.in. emblematyczna tamaryna złotego lwa.


Brazylijska sztuka kulinarna jest połączeniem kuchni rdzennej, afrykańskiej i portugalskiej i syntezą wielu innych tradycji kulinarnych, które przywieźli ze sobą przybysze z całego świata. Owoce morza, ryby, pieczone mięso, wszelkie możliwe sałaty i owoce, ryże, fasole i makarony są spożywane na co dzień przez Brazylijczyków.

A Praia de Copacabana

O Bairro de Copacabana representa um dos conjuntos paisagísticos brasileiros mais conhecidos em todo o mundo, sendo um dos cartões postais do Rio de Janeiro, a “Cidade Maravilhosa”. Situada na zona sul da cidade, Copacabana ocupa uma área de cerca de 4 kms² e conta com uma população de mais de 150 mil pessoas. A praia de Copacabana é embelezada por um longo calçadão de pedras portuguesas, reproduzindo as ondas do mar, e concentra dezenas de hotéis, o que faz dela um dos principais polos turísticos do Rio de Janeiro.


A cidade histórica de Paraty, no litoral sul do estado do Rio de Janeiro, está situada entre a montanha e o mar, em um cenário de grande beleza natural. Fundada pelos portugueses em 1667, Paraty tornou-se o ponto de partida das trilhas que levavam às minas de ouro de Minas Gerais. A riqueza de Paraty foi ampliada com o estabelecimento de cerca de 250 engenhos de açúcar e de 150 destilarias de aguardente durante o ciclo econômico da cana-de-açúcar, entre os séculos XVII e XVIII.

Espetáculo Escrava Isaura em Wałbrzych

Temos o prazer de anunciar que o espetáculo Escrava Isaura, com direção de Martyna Majewska, realizado sob o patrocínio honorário da Embaixada do Brasil em Varsóvia, será exibido nos dias 3, 4 e 5 de fevereiro de 2023 no Teatr Dramatyczny im. Jerzy Szaniawski, em Wałbrzych. Trata-se de um espetáculo corajoso e multidimensional, baseado na novela mais popular dos anos 80/90, inspirada no romance abolicionista de Bernardo Guimarães, de 1875, e que ganha significados completamente novos no palco em Wałbrzych.

O Pão de Queijo

É incerta a origem do pão de queijo, um dos destaques da culinária do estado de Minas Gerais e unanimidade gastronômica nacional no Brasil. Uma das hipóteses mais aceitas é a de que a iguaria teria surgido em Minas Gerais, no século XVIII, com a substituição da então rara farinha de trigo portuguesa pelo polvilho, farinha produzida a partir da mandioca nativa.

Alter do Chão

No estado do Pará, no coração da Amazônia brasileira, encontra-se Alter do Chão, um belíssimo trecho da margem direita do rio Tapajós. Alter do Chão, que fica a 37 quilômetros da cidade de Santarém, conta com a mais bonita praia de água doce do mundo, segundo avaliação do jornal britânico The Guardian. A melhor época do ano para visitar Alter do Chão é o chamado verão amazônico, de agosto a dezembro, quando não chove na região e as praias de areia branca surgem nas margens dos rios.

Wykład dla studentów Wydziału Nauk Politycznych i Stosunków Międzynarodowych UW

Na zaproszenie Ośrodka Analiz Politycznych i Studiów nad Bezpieczeństwem Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Ambasador Hadil da Rocha Vianna wygłosił 21 stycznia 2022 r. w Pałacu Zamoyskich wykład dla studentów Wydziału Nauk Politycznych i Stosunków Międzynarodowych UW. Wykład poświęcony był realiom politycznym i gospodarczym współczesnej Brazylii, a w szczególności brazylijskiej polityce zagranicznej.

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